The best thing about working with Barbara is her questions. She always asks questions that send me on some journey I might not have otherwise considered, but always fruitful excursions of self-exploration that inevitably reveals answers that work best for me!

A few months ago Barbara asked me, “Where do you feel most happy and peaceful? And why?” The answer that came to me was “some place other than my home”. Apparently, this was not the answer she was looking for. So together, we took a closer look at my home and the things in it. She offered me a new perspective when she suggested that some things are simply “appetizers” meant to spark a desire for more, different or better. She had me look through a few books and architectural magazines, to demonstrate how some designs made me feel almost “competitive” – like I wanted more, while others things conveyed to me a sense of peace, balance and calm. With these examples fresh in my mind, Barbara asked me to look again at my home. I realized that my home reflected how I felt about my life. My home was filled with replicas of antiques, not the real things. I had knock-offs of finer fixtures and artwork. There were lots of little things that needed fixing, as well as other items that triggered negative thoughts and emotions, including a photo of an ex! She then asked if there was a “theme” to my decor, what would it be? That’s when I realized – my home was not my “sanctuary” – it was more a cathedral for worshipping things I could not have…WOW!

Barbara then suggested that I get three big boxes and one large garbage bag. She wanted me to go through each room of my home and categorize everything into the three boxes; the first box was to be filled with things that actually serve me in a positive way (which I could unpack later); the second box was for things I needed to put in storage; and the third box was all for charity. The garbage bag was for everything else. Also if I wanted to add something new I could… as long as it satisfied a deeper sense of peace and well-being. No more “appetizers”!

During this process I discovered true sanctuary for me. Now when Barbara asks where I feel most happy and peaceful, my answer is “in my home – and in my own skin”!


My husband and I had basically stopped having sex. He would always find some excuse to avoid the bedroom until we were both so exhausted that sex was out of the question. I felt we could not go on like this. And secretly believed that he must be having an affair.

Barbara called us in for a joint session and basically asked me to listen while she spoke with my husband. She asked if he ever had romantic urges for me? He said “yes, frequently”, but decided to keep it to himself. She asked why he would deny his feelings like that? He told her about one evening, a year earlier, when I said some harsh things to him. From that point on he decided to avoid the risk of “disappointing” me again.

Barbara then asked me why I had spoken to my husband like that? At that moment, I realized it had nothing to do with my husband, but it was a reaction to an earlier experience I had. My first boyfriend was only concerned about himself…sex with him was terrible, and I ended up feeling completely used – and I swore that I would never let anyone make me feel like that again.

Barbara told my husband and me that we needed to bring “safety” back into our intimacy. She wanted us to start being spontaneous with each other, and expressing our affection whenever we felt a loving thought. But regardless of how affectionate we were with each other we were not to have sex for one week. During that week she wanted us to “reprogram our sensuality” with a few exercises. By the end of that week we were so excited about being with each other again that we decided to take off for a second honeymoon. Our second honeymoon was even better than the first ~ Thanks, Barbara!


I had the good fortune of working for a company that had hired Barbara George to help them establish their flagship retail store which featured a unique speciality garden department that I managed. She was so inspiring in our meetings, I hired her to be my personal coach.

It didn’t take long for Barbara to ‘strike gold’ with me! She noted my eagerness to make ‘insufficient funds’ my go-to reason for not having the life I loved. Among many ‘insufficient fund complaints’ was the cost of living in New York. Even though I loved working at the store and helping people design their gardens, on my salary, unless I got a roommate, this was the best I could afford!

Barbara held up the magnifying glass that allowed me to see the limitation of my assumption when she asked, if I considered MONEY to be my ONLY form of ‘currency’, or if I ever gave any consideration to the ‘exchange rate of a BLESSING’? I confessed I wasn’t entirely sure what she meant.

She explained, “Blessings far exceed the value of money. Money is a finite commodity and blessings are infinite. A blessing is a gift given generously, from your own unique warehouse of gifts and talents. The giving of a blessing can be prompted simply by a desire to make a contribution, or in response to a need you see that you can fill.

When you open your warehouse of blessings and share them, the unlimited supply of the universe responds in kind. And for this reason, it’s hard to distinguish who is more blessed; the giver or the receiver! But in either case, it is up to YOU to be open to give and receive! If not, the flow, like water, will find a less restricted path in which to spill its blessing”.

My coach hit the proverbial nail on the head! Now I could see how my attitude about life, in general, was very limited. My motto had become, ‘no pay – no way’! Even worse, if anyone offered to help me I rarely accepted it, suspicious of their motives. It never dawned on me that a person might just be offering out of simple kindness and a desire to contribute a blessing and keep the good flowing! My coaches new assignment was to look for opportunities to give (and receive) BLESSINGS!

That night on my way home I noticed a new restaurant. ‘Something’ told me to “Get in line”! and so I did, right behind this couple. The husband was trying to console his wife. It turned out they had just received some bad news from a friend who was supposed to House-sit for them while they traveled. They said they were mostly hoping to get away from all the construction noise. I asked if someone was building a high-rise next to them and they laughed and said “No, we’re the crazy builders! We have a small townhouse with a detached carriage house that we’re renovating and turning into an apartment for our live-in gardener.” You have a live-in gardener? “Not yet. We haven’t found the right person!”

They could see the excitement on my face and asked if I knew someone I could recommend? I could barely believe my ears and my heart was beating out of my chest! I gathered myself (as best as I could) and said, “Before I tell you what I do for a living, I want to tell you about my Life Coach and her specific advice to me about looking for opportunities to give and receive blessings…. Then, I told them where I worked. They shrieked, “That’s our favorite store”!

Two weeks later I was their house-sitter, while their carpenters finished renovating the carriage house for me! By the time my joyful travelers returned, their garden was thriving under the tender loving care of their extremely happy and ever-so-blessed, live-in gardener, ME! To this day, we argue over who is more blessed! But there’s no debate where Barbara’s concerned! We all agree, we were ALL BLESSED by the perfect timing and coaching of Barbara George.


I first met Barbara George at her “Love & Money Seminar” in Manhattan. Barbara started the seminar by saying that she wanted every one of us to have an intention to create something in our lives that could only be described as a miracle! HER intention was for all of us to experience this ‘miracle’ within 48 hours!

Just before we broke for lunch, someone asked if she could direct her intention to her dad? She said her father had a dream of striking oil, and for years he drilled with no success. She wanted him to let that dream go and get onto something at which he could succeed. Barbara asked the girl to consider that her lack of faith in her father’s vision might be more powerful than she realized. Her doubt might be thwarting his success and causing him to fail.

When we returned from lunch, the girl shared with us that she had called her father and told him that she believed in him and knew he would strike oil someday! We were all moved and inspired by her story and this made me think that maybe I could change my intention for a loved one. But when I thought about all the people I knew I was the most hopeless person I could think of! I had systematically given up on all my own dreams. And worst of all, I spent my days in a job that I hated. But I was too afraid to risk leaving it to try to find another. Suddenly I felt a rush of courage and decided to tender my resignation instead of going for a cup of coffee during our next break.

Before the seminar ended, there were several people reporting their miracles already; personal epiphanies, estranged relationships that were somehow mended, etc. But as for me, I was fluctuating between having faith that I had made the right decision, and a deep nauseating fear that I had just made a very big mistake!

As the seminar neared its end, I felt compelled to check my cell phone messages. There was only one call – from a number that I did not readily recognize – so I excused myself to the hall and listened to it. The message was from a colleague with whom I had worked in the past. He called exactly one hour after I had resigned from my job. He called to find out if I was available for a job in his company with a starting salary three times that of the job I just quit!!!

I was overwhelmed with my “career miracle” and could not wait to get back and share my good news with the others. But when I rejoined the group I heard something even more amazing… the girl who called her father earlier in the day, said he was so inspired by his daughter’s call that he convinced his crew to go back to the well they had just capped. They had already drilled to a particular depth, at which point, if there *was* oil, they would have smelled it in the air – and since they did not, they assumed it was dry. But the father was so encouraged by his daughter’s call, they went back to that same well and after a bit more drilling, HE STRUCK OIL!!’

Barbara George’s seminar, was the most memorable 48 hours I’ve ever experienced and since then I never take lightly the power of intentions – mine or anyone else’s!


My husband and I were nearing our tenth anniversary but this was not the happy occasion it should have been for us as we were beginning to contemplate a divorce. Our problems began five years earlier when my husband’s business failed. We kept hoping things would get better. But every time we would start to get ahead, something would stop us. We were running out of hope, when a friend recommended that I call Barbara George.

Never having hired a coach before, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But right from the start I felt a new sense of encouragement. My husband noticed the change in me immediately and surprised me when he asked if he could join in our sessions. It had been years since we had “real and straight” conversations. But in our first session we were able to get right to the heart of our issues.

We were making real progress in our relationship. Even our finances were beginning to improve. We were definitely on the upswing, when suddenly I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We saw a few doctors but everyone recommended the same course of action… surgery to remove the tumor – with no reassurance that it would not end in a radical mastectomy. I was really frightened and so was my husband.

Barbara reassured me that if surgery was required, I could trust that my doctors would bring all their skills to the task of restoring my good health. But in the meantime, Barbara wanted me to be more proactive with two additional courses of action; get homeopathic and nutritional counseling, and start exercising my faith. Barbara suggested specific visualizations and affirmations which even included expressing gratitude to the cancer. Barbara suggested that I say, “Thank you cancer, for waking me up. And now that I am awake, you can go back to where you came from (nowhere). I gratefully let you go, to disappear as easily as you appeared.”

I felt I had nothing to lose and something told me to just try it …and so I did. As I continued to see the doctors and get advice in preparation for my surgery, I felt my tumor shrinking and my pain lessening. When I finally went into the hospital for my operation, during my pre-op examination, the doctors were amazed when they could not find a trace of the tumor – It had indeed, “disappeared as easily as it had appeared”!


I met Barbara George over 10 years ago and I have considered her my Angel ever since.

Barbara’s coaching is very unique from other coaching I’ve experienced and I’ve experienced a great deal of coaching considering I’m an executive coach. Her coaching is based in a spiritual place that is the ultimate place. She opened my eyes to what faith really means and how to have it as well as how to manifest what I want in my life. When I would over analyze, Barbara would tell me to have faith, which we cannot see. She coached me to respond to life rather than try to find certainty and manipulate life. I live in ease and grace because of her support.

One of the greatest tangible results I received from Barbara’s coaching was my husband. I created my husband on paper before I met him and the process was miraculous. Barbara had me write down everything I was looking for in a relationship in detail. Not a description of the guy, a description of the relationship that included me in the description. Things like “we are fully self-expressed, we are committed to our well-being and we love children and laughter”. I also used an affirmation she gave me that I repeated throughout the day. I read my ideal relationship description which was written in the present tense every morning and every night. After a few months, I actually felt like this was coming to me and that it was the truth. I wasn’t worried, I was just waiting because I knew he was coming. I was also able to measure guys quickly against this since I was clear on what was important to me in a relationship. I knew my deal breakers and what I deserved.

Then I met Rob. I recall being at our first date for brunch and everything he was, said, and did was my match. I remember thinking that if this guy talks about music than he’s covered everything in my paragraph. The next thing he asked me after that thought was “What kind of music do you like?” Bingo! It turns out that Rob had created me on paper before meeting me as well! I have the most extraordinary relationship with my husband. He is my true best friend, lover, soul mate and partner. We live in a home on a mountain that I envisioned and we have two healthy and happy, happy, happy children.

Since then, Rob and I have both worked with Barbara. She is a true gift and there is no one, absolutely no one like Barbara George. I swear she has come from above.


Four years ago I found myself at a crossroads, professionally speaking. I was having great difficulty seeing my way clear to proceed in any particular direction when an associate in our London based health practice suggested that I call Barbara George.

After one month (four sessions) she suggested that I give greater consideration to an opportunity that had been offered to me in an entirely new direction, a new product based business.

Without Barbara’s coaching, I would have dismissed this opportunity without worry. She helped me to see the potential upside, quiet my shaky start-up nerves and take the plunge!

Four years ago my initial investment amounted to $100,000.00 American dollars. Two months ago I sold this same business for $20 million American dollars!

My life is a very different story, thanks to Barbara George!

Thanks a Million, Coach!
